Just imagine being in the field and watermelons start exploding"...watermelons started exploding in the fields because they had been treated with too much accelerant" and "In March health officials discovered pork that glowed and iridescent blue in the dark because it had been contaminated by a bacteria."
Here you'll find a site about food, usually in Arizona, but we'll go wherever, as long as there's food
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Exploding Watermelons and Glowing Pork in China Spark Organic Craze
After a number of food scandals in China, an organic craze seems to be catching on where many Chinese are starting to grow their own crops on patios and balconies so they can be sure they have safe food to eat. The article by the UK Telegraph reports the 2008 baby formula contamination in which six babies died and around 300,000 became ill after ingesting formula contaminated with an industrial chemical known as Melamine. In April of this year, 40 tons of bean sprouts were found to have been treated with dangerous hormones and growth accelerating chemicals. Among the more odd contaminations:
all around you. Scary, right? Naaaah, not with the pork glowing and lighting up the way to safety.