Summer officially starts today, even though our hands have been burning on the steering wheel and seat belt for weeks. Looking for a quick and easy sweet drink to cool down? I know I was last night so I did a quick look online and found a recipe from the convenient website.
The Easy Orange Cream Slush turned out to be a very simple, cool drink that hit the spot, albeit with a few alterations.
Some of the commenters on the recipe stated that you could use some more orange juice and the amount of ice depends on the size of your cubes, too many could water the drink down. You can find the original recipe
here and tinker with it how you would like, but here is my altered version. Combine all the following ingredients in a blender:
- 3/4 cup orange juice
- 1/4 cup milk
- 1 tablespoon sugar
- 6 half oval shaped ice cubes
While it is called a slush, when I think of slush, I think of that very fine icy and flavored drink I used to have back in grade school. This came across as more of an orange cream drink. Perhaps I blended too much? Oh well, I would make it again because it's quick, easy and good.
Note: The above photo is not mine, it is from the allrecipes website. Unfortunately, I drank my version way too fast before I thought to take a photo. Why don't I just make another one? Today is the day my milk expires, I have never been brave enough to use milk on the day it expires.